
Gone Bazaar: What city are you based in?  What are some things you love about that city?
Skullphone: I’ve lived in Echo Park, Los Angeles, for about 5 years. Prior to that I was blocks away in Silverlake. This little part of town is the only place I feel at home in the Los Angeles basin­­–it's in the hills and easy to get around via direct boulevards. In general I love Los Angeles for it’s micro weather changes as much as New York for its extremities. It started to feel like Fall in LA a few weeks ago–it’s a small shift in light and air which not everyone I’ve spoken with has noticed or agrees upon. 

Gone Bazaar: What are a few of your favorite art galleries and/or museums in that city?
Skullphone: I’m most interested in helping young artists with money and support (but I can’t let them squat in my studio anymore, sorrry)! New Image Art Gallery was a great voice for establishing street artists 15 years ago and continues to help new emerging artists of all sorts life who have the same grit. Shepard’s Subliminal Projects is a good DIY gallery for the punk, skate, street, graffiti and design community. There is also a growing number of LA galleries for mid-career artists which make it easier to stumble into something with less travel dedication. Wherever you are in the city… there’s probably a gallery or museum nearby you can stop into. I did make an effort to see the recent Ed Ruscha Prints & Ephemera show at Honor Fraser, which was a nice little slice of banal history.

Gone Bazaar: What's your favorite city to travel to?
Skullphone: NYC, because of the time I spent there when I started my art.

Gone Bazaar: What art galleries/museums do you like to visit in that city?
Skullphone: Jack Hanley is a badass. Do you follow his instagram? Last year he posted about how he befriended a stray dog somewhere out of the country and how he officially brought it back to the US. This has inspired me in many ways! A well mannered stray dog followed me around Mexico City once but I didn’t follow through on bringing him home due to unknown logistics. Similarly, Jack has supported great artists at critical points of their career. Good on you Jack!!!

Gone Bazaar: If you could throw a dinner party for 3 people/artists, (past, present, fictional or real) who would you choose and what would you serve for dinner?
Skullphone: Off the top of my head with no reservations I’d say let’s bring Picasso, Van Gogh and Lichtenstein together. Probably a horrible dinner party idea, but whatever. I’d serve a vegetarian dinner of course, I’m sure they’d all love that. And lot’s of cannabis food options with no milligram labeling. Did Picasso live to see Lichtenstein’s reproductions? I need to google this.


Jeremy Scott (2008)


Oliver Hibert