Roxy Hotel New York
The first thing that strikes me every time I have walked through the doors of Roxy New York is how sexy it is. It’s not sexy in a “Welcome to Caligula” way that some hotels try to front but instead it is elegantly sexy -which suits what I love perfectly.
I’m not a fan of certain other “sexy” marketed hotels which attempt to deliberately show you how sexual they are by doing things such as having their mini bars stocked with the lube carefully placed between cashews and biscotti. Subtle. I much prefer elegance with hints of sex.
After the somewhat stressful week that I was having trying to decompress after a whirlwind trip to Miami, my escape to a fun yet relaxing and sexy retreat located perfectly in TriBeCa was just what I needed. Just arriving there in my cab I could feel layers of tension unravel. By the time I arrived I felt like I was about to attend a party. Now that’s a disposition that The Roxy is in good standing to accommodate. The staff that checked me in were casual, friendly and attentive. I got a clear impression that the staff were encouraged to have a good time while getting the job done. After all, fun is contagious right?
After checking in, I took the iconic glass elevator that looks out to the interior of the hotel up to the 7th Floor where my suite was located. My suite was as sexy as I assumed it would be and had a view looking west over Tribeca.
The record player had the Beatles’ Revolver already spinning just for me. I stripped down to my undies and tee half knowing that people in the flats across the way just might be able to see me. That’s another feature of an elegantly sexy hotel -the notion that you are being watched through your floor to ceiling windows. Until logic sets in and you remind yourself that first the windows are likely not see through from the outside and second people in NYC are too cool and busy to spy on tourists in hotels across the street.
I just felt like lounging around before my appointments of the day so I poured my self a glass of champagne while listening to “Eleanor Rigby”.
Downstairs in the buzzing lobby, I ran into Steve Aoki and reminded him of the time he did a hotel review for my first blog many years ago (you can see it HERE if curious). We laughed at how he critiqued that hotel for having low water pressure. He pointed out the 777 on my gold plated necklace and showed me the 77 tattoo on the back of his neck. A fun exchange though not shocking.. the Roxy New York just feels like a place where something fun and unexpected can happen at any moment.
I met up with the artist Marika Thunder and took her photos around the hotel. Later on I met up with an old friend Waxvilla and took his photos as well. We also got to watch the incredible Grammy Award winning Charles Mingus Big Band in the Roxy’s Jazz cellar THE DJANGO. The basement located restaurant and venue really made me feel like I was Jack Kerouac in 1949. Any stress I was feeling was immediately lifted after hearing this stellar band play their gorgeous music.
During this trip, I didn’t have a chance to watch a movie in the Roxy’s famous basement located cinema but I did wander in there to take a look and I noticed all the cool underground movies they play. That’s a definite on my to-do list next time I’m in New York -catch a flick at the Roxy.
All in all a wonderful stay at The Roxy New York. The last time I had been there was for an event back in 2012 where Jarvis Cocker was DJ’ing (and according to my Instagram post about that night, he was playing “Yo Diggity” at one point) but I digress. I really enjoyed my stay and would recommend anyone who is visiting NYC and wants to stay in a place where they will feel welcomed and part of something. The Roxy New York really does give you that feeling like you’re part of their crew, whether you’re hanging out in the lobby and running into celebrities or enjoying Jazz music in the lobby or at the hip Django or even chilling in your room listening to records. I will gladly and definitely be returning to The Roxy New York very soon.